When will my order Ship?

We ship orders Monday- Friday. If the order transaction is successful, the time is before 2 p.m. (CST). Delivery time: 4-15 natural days or longer dependig on the product. Each product listed will have shipping details in the description. Please note that during the busy holiday season, shipment may take an additional day or two due to the quantity of orders being processed. If the product is currently not available or will take longer than normal to ship. If you would like an update on the status of your package, are on a deadline, or need special consideration and processing, please go to the contact page.

How long does shipping take?

During checkout, you'll select your choice of shipping method and see an estimate for how soon you can expect the item. Each product listed will have shipping details in the description.

Ground Shipping:

Please note, any ground shipping estimates are ONLY estimates, and occasionally weather, mechanical, or other unexpected circumstances can cause delays to your delivery.

Expedited Shipping:

For a guaranteed arrival date, choose expedited shipping. Please note the same-day shipping cut-off is 2pm CST. If an order is placed after the cut off, it will be shipped the next business day. However, please note, in the rare event that your delivery is delayed due to severe weather, natural disasters, or any other events outside of our control or that of our carriers, we will be unable to refund your shipping.

We ship all orders from our warehouse in Chicago, IL.


What is your Return Policy

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with a purchase it can be returned within 45 days of receipt. Please request a return via the contact page.

Also, any items returned without authorization, returned to the incorrect location or returned in a damaged or unsellable condition may still be subject to additional fees that will be deducted from your refund or no refund able to be issued.

All returned items must be sent back to us using the original shipping boxes and packing materials. Installed products with cut wires or loose crystal will be subject to a $50 USD fee. White Glove and Threshold orders must be returned within 10 days.

Once the product is received at our warehouse in good condition we will issue a refund for the amount of the product and tax to the original method of payment used for the purchase. All shipping charges on purchases and returns are non-refundable.

In the event that an item is damaged in transit, we will do everything we can to resolve the matter immediately. When items are shipped by FedEx or UPS, we must contact them within 48 hours to ensure a quick, free of charge resolution.